martes, 16 de junio de 2020

Freedom of expression with responsibility-inglés

Freedom of expression with responsibility
Well today I am going to treat a little on the subject of Freedom of expression with responsibility from my point of view. Freedom of expression is a right of all people regardless of their age, sex, nationality or skin color. This right is fundamental for citizens to express their disagreements regarding the decisions made by governments.
But in my opinion, some people take advantage of this right and misuse it, such as publishing false content and uploading it to social networks. This type of act is usually carried out by natural persons such as communication companies, and in my opinion, this type of People and companies grasp the use of this right when publishing irrelevant or false content, that is why one always has to verify the information to publish it and always take care of the possible consequences.
 In conclusion, freedom of expression is good and fundamental as long as the truth is always spoken and told in this way we would be making good use of our right of expression and above all being responsible for our actions in order to fulfill our role of good citizens and help other people to make good use of their rights and in this way also help them to avoid leaking false information that could be leaked in the media and social networks.


Fecha:  16/ 06   /2020  
Nombre y Apellidos: juan David Idrovo
Grado/Curso: 1ro Bach. ¨B¨                                        Paralelo: B

Proyecto: inglés

Nombre de tarea-actividad: Freedom of expression with responsibility
¿Cómo lo hiciste? Estrategias y proceso.

Primero realice una investigación sobre la libertad de expresión, posteriormente realizamos un conversatorio sobre el tema para después re alisar el párrafo en inglés.

¿Qué crees que muestra este trabajo de ti?

Creo que este trabajo muestra la capacidad de tratar nuevos temas e investigar sobre el mismo para poder realizar un buen párrafo en donde de i opinión sobre el mismo.  
¿Qué aprendiste?

Aprendí más sobre el usar de buna manera nuestro derecho de libertad de expresión.

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coreografía - proyecto científico